Ivy Leagues Shame Kids for Making Their Way in the World

This article originally appeared at the Federalist. Click here to read the full story.

By Ike Brannon

I should start this essay by proudly announcing that one of my parents has no college degree and the other was abandoned by his parents as a toddler. Neither fact has proven to be the least bit relevant to my upbringing, education, or career but it turns out that I’ve been sitting on a gold mine of potential grievances.

The New York Times, the nation’s arbiter of social classes, produced an appropriately turgid and approving essay about the new trend in various elite colleges for the students who similarly hail from low social classes to form their own social groups to help them come to grips with the disadvantages their modest upbringings afford them in their education.

The Times is here to tell us that, while leaping from a lower-class upbringing to an Ivy League university may be a good start to one’s life, it’s not enough: the social classes make life on campus uncomfortable for many of these students, who find themselves awkwardly having to confess that they don’t have a favorite renaissance-era painter, parents with Ivy League degrees of their own, or bluchers.

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